Tag Archives: TROP

The religion of peace

I wrote the other day of my frustration with the Muslim  apologist out there. Since that time I have come across this site called TROP

I don’t want to be considered a hate monger or a rabble rouser, but I think some perspective is in order. I found this site when I read about the death of a 16 year old Canadian girl who was strangled by her father. The gist of their disagreement was the way in which she wanted to dress. I have raised three daughters and have (on occasion) felt like I might want to strangle them, but I didn’t. In my world thats just a figure of speech. I found that story on the Nationalpost. Which of course I found because I was getting my daily dose of insensitivity from Niel Boortz.

Thats all I have today. Next time I will impart some of my thoughts on the current election.